11 Best Website Welcome Message Examples to Greet Your Users 您所在的位置:网站首页 welcome to your new frontier yahoo homepage 11 Best Website Welcome Message Examples to Greet Your Users

11 Best Website Welcome Message Examples to Greet Your Users

2023-03-08 17:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Are you looking for welcome message examples that you can use for your website?

Welcoming visitors is an excellent way of improving user experience (UX). It can set the tone for the rest of their visit on your site.

The right welcome message can be the first step to gaining a lifelong fan or customer. That’s why, in today’s post, we’ll look at 11 website welcome message examples that you can use on your own site.

More specifically, we’ll break these examples down by the goal of your welcome message, including:

Build your email list Showcase a sale Display business updates or alerts Welcome back returning users Verify the user’s age Increase webinar registrations Announce free shipping Get more app downloads Grow podcast listeners Redirect to different areas of your site Boost social media followers

But before we dive into our examples, let’s take a look at what a welcome message is and why it’s so valuable.

What Is a Welcome Message?

A welcome message is a small popup or notification that your site’s traffic will see as soon as they arrive to your website. It’s a great way of greeting your new visitors and sets the tone for future interactions.

More importantly, though, a welcome message can help you increase conversions for certain goals. They can direct users where you want them to be and, when done correctly, will boost conversions across your site.

In fact, welcome messages are one of the best strategies you can use to do things such as:

Increase sitewide traffic Grow your email list Make more sales Get more social media followers

And more. That said, not nearly enough business owners and marketers take advantage of this powerful tool.

But, right now, you’re going to learn just how effective welcome messages can be. We’ll be taking a look at 11 types of welcome message examples you can start using on your site today.

Let’s get started.

11 Types of Welcome Message Examples

For this post, we’ll be creating our welcome messages exclusively with OptinMonster:


OptinMonster is by far the best lead generating software on the market. What that really means is that we’re the best at getting you more sitewide traffic, growing your contact list, and making you more sales through various campaigns.

We offer:

Lightbox popups Slide-in scroll boxes Inline campaigns Floating bars

And much more. In fact, you’ll get a look at every single one of our campaigns today. Plus, with our pre-built templates, creating these campaigns is easy.

You can easily customize the look, message, and call to action of our campaigns in a matter of minutes.

That’s why we thought it would be fun to make 2 rules for this post:

Every campaign we create for our welcome message examples needs to take 5 minutes or less to build We need to use every type of campaign we offer that could function as a welcome message

If you want to learn a bit more about our software, check out this article on how OptinMonster works (8 benefits + 12 case studies).

Ready to start with OptinMonster? Sign up for your risk-free OptinMonster account today!

Let’s dive in.

1. Build Your Email List

Growing a solid email list should be one of the most important factors for every business. Email marketing can be one of the best ways for you to earn more income.

But the question has always been: how do you get more interested leads on your email list?

A welcome message popup is a great way of greeting new subscribers. Here’s one that we built with OptinMonster:

popup welcome message example

A popup is a great way of catching your users’ attention. As soon as they arrive to your site, they’ll be immediately greeted with a welcome message popup that asks them to subscribe.

In most cases, you’ll want to create a lead magnet to make your offer more enticing. A lead magnet is a piece of valuable content that you offer in exchange for an email address.

If you have a great lead magnet, why not show them how valuable your business can be right off the bat?

This makes a welcome message popup the perfect tool for growing your email address.

Don’t have a lead magnet? No worries. Here are 69 lead magnet ideas that you can start using today.

Another tip is to use a gamified campaign to give people more incentive to sign up.

A gamified campaign creates a game-like experience for users. When they enter their email address, they get the chance to win a prize:

Spinwheel welcome message example

You can quickly create a gamified campaign with OptinMonster and set the rules for what people can win and how often.

That way, you never run out of your prizes!

Gamified campaigns are an easy-to-build solution for quickly growing your email list.

Want to take your email list to the next level? Check out these articles:

Email Marketing Made Simple: A Step by Step Guide How to Run a Successful Email Marketing Campaign

These 2 resources will have everything you need to get you started.

2. Showcase a Sale

If you run an online store, your users are probably there for one reason: to check out your products and (hopefully) make a purchase.

That means that you should welcome them with a sale to keep them on your site longer. This will motivate them to search through your store and take advantage of your offer.

For a big sale, you’d probably want something that really captures your audiences’ attention.

A fullscreen campaign would be great for that:

Fullscreen welcome gate for welcome message

But you may also consider using a floating bar campaign with a countdown timer:

Floating bar countdown timer welcome message

The floating bar announcement is good for letting people know about general information on every page of your site. But when you add a countdown timer, you create a sense of urgency that motivates people to act.

Countdown timer campaigns can be an excellent way of boosting your sales.

Read this post to learn how to create a countdown timer popup to increase sales.

3. Display Business Updates or Alerts

Sometimes, you may have changes in your company that affect users. When that’s the case, your welcome message should let them know right away.

This could be anything from:

Changing store hours Adding new locations Being temporarily out of stock for a product

Or any other information that would help you improve UX on your site.

For this, a standard floating bar campaign is the best option:

Company updates welcome message

A floating bar campaign will let all of your users know about changes to your site. But, it won’t overtake the entire screen or interrupt their browsing.

Instead, you can make a small announcement at the top of the browser to redirect users to a page with more information.

This lets you inform your site’s visitors of company updates in an unobtrusive way.

Read this post to learn how to create a website notification bar to keep users informed.

4. Welcome Back Returning Users

One of the best ways to increase user loyalty is to personalize your messaging. You can do that with your welcome message for returning users.

A great campaign for this is using a slide-in scroll box:

Personalize slide in welcome message

When a returning user visits your page, you can address them by name and show them some kind of promotional offer.

You can do this with OptinMonster using smart tags. Smart tags allow you to totally personalize the way you communicate with your audience. You can use smart tags for:

Names Locations Dates and times Customer journey

And more. Check out this resource on what smart tags you can use for your welcome message.

Ready to personalize your campaigns and boost conversions? Sign up for OptinMonster risk-free today! 5. Verify User’s Age

If you’re an online store that sells products for adults only, you’ll want to create a welcome message that verifies your user’s age.

In fact, many states will require this by law.

Fortunately, you can build a fullscreen welcome gate that requires users to verify their age before accessing your site:

Are you over 21 example campaign

Or, you can create a custom popup to make users enter their birthday:


This will keep your company safe from any legal issues that come from minors trying to purchase your products.

Want some help making this? Check out this tutorial on how to add age verification to any website in minutes.

6. Increase Webinar Registrations

Webinars are one of the best tools in your sales funnel. They’re effective, build authority within your niche, and make for an excellent lead magnet.

You can pretty much use webinars at every stage of your customer journey to move users towards a sale.

But here’s the question: how do you get users to sign up for your webinar? That’s where a welcome message popup comes in handy.

You can create a popup letting users know about your upcoming webinar. For this, you have 2 options:

Create a signup form and send a follow-up email Make a Yes/No popup campaign that redirects to a landing page

Both options are super easy. With OptinMonster, you can choose one of our templates to create an optin form for your webinar:

webinar welcome message

When users give their email address (which will also grow your list), you can send them a follow-up email with details about your webinar.

Or, you can use a Yes/No popup to redirect users to a landing page:

Yes_No webinar campaign

Then, the landing page will have a form where users can register.

Yes/No campaigns are great because they won’t scare away your users. Rather than asking for contact information right away, you can get the process rolling by asking a simple “yes or no” question.

For more information, read this post on 6 ways to use Yes/No campaigns to boost conversions.

7. Announce Free Shipping

Offering free shipping is an excellent incentive for people to purchase your products. That’s because, often, users will abandon their cart when they see unexpected costs in the final total.

One of these unexpected costs is shipping.

You can use a floating bar campaign to let people know you are offering free shipping:

Free shipping bar demo full browser

This is a wonderful welcome for people entering your site. Knowing that the price they see is the price they’ll pay is an added incentive to put more items in the cart!

Here’s a full tutorial on how to add a free shipping bar to your online store.

8. Get More App Downloads

Creating an app can be an awesome way of getting users engaged with your brand. Whether it’s a fun game they can play while waiting in line or a loyalty rewards app to keep them coming back, apps are great at building customer loyalty.

Now, you just need people to download the app!

Like our last tip, we recommend using a floating bar but adding a countdown timer:

countdown timer get more app download examples

One of the best ways to get your traffic to download the app is to let them know about it. Floating bars are the perfect tool for getting your user’s attention without interrupting their experience on your website.

From there, use a countdown timer to build urgency. You can give away your app totally free for a limited amount of time.

And with a dynamic countdown timer, you don’t need to set a fixed end date. Instead, every user will have a certain period of time that starts when they first see your campaign.

This builds enough motivation for your users to download your app while keeping everything fair for all your site’s visitors.

9. Grow Podcast Listeners

If you have a podcast, you need to get the word out. And one of the best times to do that is when a visitor reaches your site.

You can do this in a couple of ways.

A slide-in scroll side box would be perfect for drumming up new listeners from your site’s traffic. That would look something like this:

Podcast welcome message

The next method isn’t necessarily a welcome message for your website, but it can be for your blog.

In the introduction of each blog post, you could put an inline campaign with a redirect to your podcast.

Podcast welcome message example

That way, people who want to read about your content have a second way to consume it.

This is particularly useful if you create podcasts from blog posts or visa-versa. By putting it into the introduction, you welcome your blog readers with a way to consume your content on-the-go.

10. Redirect to Different Areas of Your Site

Welcome messages aren’t all created equally. What works for one business won’t work for another.

If you’re a publishing company, for example, you may want to create a welcome message that redirects users to different categories.

With OptinMonster’s drag and drop builder, you can add buttons with redirect options for various categories of your website:

Redirect welcome message

This can be a great way to help users find what interests them the most. Again, it’s an excellent strategy if you have loads of content on your site from a wide range of niches.

In fact, the Greek eCommerce store Olyplant used OnSite Retargeting® to increase page views by 157%.

11. Boost Social Media Followers

Did you know that over 90% of visitors who leave your site will never come back? That’s a lot of traffic that goes to waste.

You can increase your odds of repeat traffic by connecting with people on social media. Or, more specifically, having them connect with you.

OptinMonster has a template specifically designed to get you more social followers on:

Instagram Facebook Twitter

You can send people to follow you as a welcome message:

Welcome message for social media

That way, if they leave later, you can still market to them through social media.

And that’s it! You have 11 types of welcome message examples that will improve UX, increase sitewide traffic, grow your email list, and boost sales.

If you’re welcoming people into your website, you may also want to send them a message as they leave. Exit-Intent® popups are a great way of recovering abandoning visitors.

In fact, the fitness company Crossrope was able to grow its email list by over 900% with exit-intent popups.

Plus, you can now use mobile exit-intent campaigns to work on smartphones. For that, you’ll want to check out this article on how to create a mobile exit-intent popup that converts.

Ready to get started with OptinMonster? Sign up for your risk-free OptinMonster account today!

ShareTweetSharePin Nathan Thompson Published by Nathan Thompson Nathan Thompson is a father, a writer, and a lover of travel (in that order). When he’s not wrestling with his kids, you’ll likely find Nathan giving his eyes a much-needed break from screens with a good book or planning a family trip with his awesome wife.






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